My name is Ken Horn, and I’m very old. Well, old enough to have seen the evolution of technology in industry over the last 30 years. The hype curve and adoption curves have done their dance a few times, but the principles and realities of software delivery don’t change that much — cloud, CI/CD, infrastructure as code, machine learning are all modern twists on the same ideas.

I’m mostly available for short term consulting gigs and sometimes longer term engagements. You can find me on Twitter, LinkedIn or even via email shown below.

I’m currently focused on CloudSinc — a no-code data matching platform.

The service is centred on helping inter-file/dataset/system data reconciliation, a perenial and unloved side of running a business with multiple software systems. Data matching can be used to drive both quality and efficiency and replace manual and tedious processes. Excel users can use it to avoid/upgrade vlookup for extra power or simply higher capacity and simplicity. Teams can use it to replace basic databases and ETL processes which are undifferentiated heavy lifting freeing time and effort to solve higher value problems.